Section- 1
- Introduction – What you should know
- Installing SDK tools/Eclipse/AVD/ADT
- Preparing Adroid Device for development
- Android Archictecture
- Understanding Project creature and structure
- Understanding the AndroidManifest.xml file
Section- 2
- Activity Life Cycle – Create and Manage Activities
- Learn about Intents – explicit and Implicit
- Understanding Security and Permissions
- Resources – Creation and Utilization
- Debugging Application - LogCat
Section- 3
- Understanding units and layout.
- Using layout managers. Building list controls/Custom list layouts
- Working with text/button and other controls
- Multiple Screen Support –
Understanding screen sizes and density and alternate layout
Section- 4
- Invoking interpolator/accelerometer
- Graphics and Styling – Styles and Themes
- Creating icons and nine patch drawables
- Showing and responding to the system search dialog
Section- 5
- Animation and Graphichs – frame by frame
- Tween Animation and 2D Graphics
- Building options menu and context menu
- Building alert/progress and custom dialogs
Section- 6
- Display Toast notifications
- Send notifications to the status bar
- Use Web View to include web content in Activities
- Developing an app using javascipt
Section- 7
- Creating a tabbed user interface
- Setting Audio/Video playback
- Accessing the camera and camera roll
Section- 8
- Using shared Preferences/Preference activity
- Using the SQLite database
Setting up network access
- Using the content providers
Section- 9
- Incorporating Google Maps
- Using GPS to trace current location
- Using Webservices.
Section- 10
- Creating home screen widget
- Creating widget configuration activity
- Prepare the app for publishing/Signing and building
- Preparing the graphics and publishing to Google Play
- Conclusion – Using SDK samples.