Section- 1
- Introduction
- Introduction – What you should know
- Installing the tools- Xcode, iOS simulator
- Requirements: installing the SDK
- Becoming a registered Apple Developer
- Joining the iOS Developer Program
- Creating a simple iOS application
- The four pillars of iOS application development
Section- 2
- Objective-C Refresher
- Objective-C basics, structure
- Creating variables
- Using pointers
- Creating objects, custom classes and methods
- Sending messages
- Understanding Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)
Using existing classes
- Creating properties
Section- 3
- Core iOS Project Skills
- Different iOS project types
- Understanding the iOS application lifecycle
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern
- Creating basic interaction and quick connections
- Dismissing the keyboard and with delegation
- Using delegation in iOS
Creating alert messages
- Understanding multitasking
Section- 6
- Displaying a Map
- Introducing the MapKit framework
- Displaying maps
- Centering the Map on a Location
- Reviewing the geographic coordinate system
- Defining the map's center and span
- Creating an Annotation
- Creating/ Customizing an annotation
- Adding interactivity to an annotation
- Creating/customizing multiple annotations
Section- 7
- Creating an Overlay
- Creating an overlay using a lines, circle, polygon and data
- What is the Core Location Framework?
- Introducing the Core Location framework
- Introducing the location manager
- Starting and stopping location services
- Understanding the various positioning technologies
- Using best practices
- Using Location Data
- Capturing heading, course, and speed
- Defining navigation in and out of a region
- Determining distance between two locations
- Implementing forward/reverse geocoding
- iOS-Specific Examples
- Forming an iOS unit testing strategy
- More on OCUnit application testing
- Setting up a ViewController for testing
- Testing ViewControllers
- Testing notification generation
- Testing notification handling Testing notification registration
- Testing singletons
- Testing gesture recognizers
- Analyzing code coverage with CoverStory
Section- 9
- Meeting the Requirements
- Meeting the review guidelines
- Touring the Xcode 4 interface
- Understanding the human interface guidelines for iOS
- Creating icons
- Generating certificates
- Creating provisioning profiles
- Testing your app on a device
Creating screenshots
- Preparing the Bundle
- Understanding the application bundle
- Setting up the Info.plist file
- Signing your app with Xcode 3
- Signing your app with Xcode 4
- Submitting Your App
- Understanding the submission process
- Registering your app in iTunes Connect
- Submitting with Xcode
- Submitting with Application
Section- 4
- Using UI Controls
- Create user interfaces (UI)
- Using and customizing a picker control
- Using data sources
- Selecting items in UI controls
- Using the Apple Human Interface Guidelines (HIG)
- Using Table Views
- Introduction to table views
- Creating a table view
- Reusing table cells
- Customizing a table view and table view cells
Section- 5
- Creating Apps with Multiple View Controllers
- Introduction to multiple-view applications
- Deconstructing a utility app
- Understanding navigation controllers
- Creating a master-detail application
- Creating a tabbed application
- Using Storyboards
- Introduction to storyboards
- Creating scenes and segues
- Passing data between scenes
- Step one: creating the storyboard
- Step two: creating the custom class
- Step three: creating the view controllers
- Step four: loading the data
- Step five: passing objects between scenes
- Using Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch
- Introduction to blocks
- Understanding Grand Central Dispatch
- Creating a multithreaded app
Section- 8
- Unit Testing Concepts
- What is unit testing?
- Understanding different types of testing
- Why unit test?
- Understanding how to unit test
- Working with unit testing frameworks for iOS
- Understanding test-driven development
- Understanding the use of unit tests in refactoring
- A summary of unit testing concepts
- Getting Started with OCUnit Tests
- What is OCUnit?
- Using OCUnit with Xcode 4 vs. Xcode
- Including unit tests in a new project
- Adding unit tests to an existing project
- OCUnit: application tests vs. logic tests
- Writing a logic unit test
- Understanding the rules for writing good unit tests
- Writing an application unit test
- Exploring Xcode dependencies and schemes
- Getting Started with GHUnit Tests
- What is GHUnit?
- Adding GHUnit to a project
- Writing GHUnit unit tests
- Looking at asynchronous tests
- Testing an API with GHUnit asynchronous tests
- Debugging Unit Tests
- An overview of debugging
- Debugging OCUnit tests
- Providing debug info in STAsserts
- Debugging GHUnit tests
- Debugging product code using unit tests
- Using Mock Objects
- What are mock objects?
- Installing OCMock
- Creating OCMock stubs
- Expecting and verifying calls to a mock
- Exploring OCMock partial mocks
- Reviewing unit test coverage for an existing class
- Loader
- Checking the status of your app in iTunes Connect
- Promoting Your App
- Understanding the App Store's marketing guidelines
- Using the Apple product images
- Conclusion