Section- 1
- Objective C Foundation Framework
- Using Xcode and the iPhone Simulator
- Develop a simple iPhone app using some classes from the UI Kit
- Learn the language used in all iPhone development
- Use the reference counting mechanism correctly to prevent memory leaks
Section- 2
- Objective C,
- Subclass UI View for event handling and custom drawing
- Drawing with Quartz
- Dealing with Multi-touch events
- Using the delegate design pattern
Section- 3
- Creating custom table view cells
- Using the accelerometer for input and dealing with orientation
- Using the notification design pattern to receive notifications of orientation
change and Autorotation
Section- 4
- Making graphics move with Core Animation
- Objective C Runtime
- Using CA Animation to drive change over time,
especially common for animated effects
- Create applications with more than one view
- Using UI Navigation Controller to create complex applications
- Using and customizing the Key Value Coding and Observing mechanism.
Section- 5
- Archiving and Un-archiving by using NS Coder for data persistence
- Using NSURL and NSURL Connection to access web services
- Accessing the camera and using the Image Picker
- Dealing with low-memory warnings
- Adding methods to existing classes
Section- 6
- Playing sound and video
- Use Location services to find your location using map kit
- Develop international iPhone apps
Section- 7
- Publishing services and browsing for services on the network
- user store preferences for your application
- performance problems and memory leaks
- Using Objective-C blocks
- Using the iPad-only UISplitViewController