Kaizen Technologies, Inc started in 1995 as a Product Solutions Company.Today it has expanded to:
- Custom Software Development
- Business Solutions
- IT Staffing
- Training Services
- Engineering Services
Kaizen Online Learning : Kaizen is an industryleader in utilizing the most up-to-date learning platform called LearnBeyond. LearnBeyond is a next-generation eLearning solution that offers learners (individuals / schools / organizations) the ability to create, manage and deliver learning programs and assessments - completely online. Built on proprietary platform called CourseBuilder, LearnBeyond offers eLearning possibilities that are way ahead of the market. The program is developed on J2EE Technologies and backend is MySQL , Oracle. And Flex.
Kaizen Virtual Server: Kaizen Online Virtual Server is the solutions for the online learning and Lab practice for the Students . It complements the online Learning of the students to access and learn interactively with the faculty and to do the lab assignments. This is developed on Ubuntu, Virtual box.
CONREP: Conrep's Applicant Tracking System (CATS) reduce time-to-hire, automates staffing processes, and provides competitive tools to improve the productivity of your Sales and Recruiting team. Some of the essential features of CATS are:
- Work-flow Resume Parsing
- Resume Board Searching
- Mass Mailing
- Outlook Integration
- Reporting Software
CATS supports Window, MAC, Linux, PHP, and Oracle platforms
Software Development: Kaizen Enterprise Services include Software Development, Software Maintenance Tech Staffing, and Engineering.Kaizen has created customized highly scalable and inter-operable software solutions such as RapIT, eManuPro, QA Monitor, and Virtual Schools.
ZenEagleis the latest neutral software product for monitoring a wide range of application servers with a web-based dashboard.ZenEagle provides a unified console to get the most out of your integrated applications for effective real-time tracking and monitoring.
For more information on these programs contactnj@kaizentek.com