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The Tread,--- Enduring Success!


Training Division - Center of Excellence

Start of the Training Division- NJ Department of Education Approval.
Vendor - NJDOL Workforce Training Programs for all counties.

Project Management Institute (PMI�)-Global Registered Education Provider.

Partnered with New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT�) to train UMDNJ� Staff and became a vendor of NJIT�).

Partnered with New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT�) to deliver a Project Management Training
Program to Transportation Logistics and Distribution, Life Sciences and Health Care Industries funded by US Department of Education through NJWIRED Grant.

Registered Education Provider-SCRUM� Alliance-Agile Project Management
Newark WORKS Grant-Won a competitive bid for Project Management Training program through American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding.

Partnered with Thomas Edison State College for training programs.

International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) Endorsed Education Provider.

Won Opportunity 4 Jersey competitive grant for training and job placement.
Approved Microsoft IT Academy.

Approved Training Vendor- Federal and state for the Veteran's Training Program.

Workforce Management System Program Implementation- This program is aligned with the organizational strategic plan for overall revenue growth from $10 million to $25 million for the next five years.

Rutgers University - Electronic Health Records (EHR/EMR) Gap Analysis,Training and Implementation.

Partner, Vendor for Ready to Work $10 million Grant for Training & Employment-NJ Community College Consortium for Workforce & Economic Development.

Online training partnership with ED2GO from Cengage Learning.